Please ensure you read the below information, and sign in as soon as you arrive at Little Lambs.
1. If another family member/friend takes your place – please ask them to also sign and read our terms and conditions, as we will NOT be liable if they fail to do so.
2. Avoid phone calls and texting during classes- so that everyone can enjoy quality educational learning experiences with their child(ren). Please can all adults refrain using their mobile phones to make phone calls unless it is absolutely necessary i.e. to check on an unwell sibling.
3. E-safety and data protection – ONLY take photos of your own children- please try to ensure no other child is visible. Posting pictures onsocial media does not appeal to all people, and you can never be sure of people’s circumstances, so only post photos of your own child(ren) or ask permission from the adult of the child if there are other children in your pictures. We will not be liable for the sharing of any photos which are not of your own child.
4. Photo Consent- during Little Lamb classes, photographs and video clips may be taken to be used on our website, social media and on marketing materials. If you do not give consent for your child(ren) to be photographed, please ensure you state this on your booking form and also inform Little Lambs staff at the start of the session.
5. Hot drinks – to ensure the safety of the children please ensure safety lids are used and hot drinks are placed out of the reach of children at all times.
6. Children MUST be supervised closely when playing with all resources- especially the tuff trays – all materials and toys at Little Lambs are intended for supervised play only. It is your responsibility to supervise your child at all times.
7. Do not leave your child unattended- your child(ren) remain your responsibility. If you need to leave the hall for any reason please will you take your child(ren) with you.
8. Be aware that despite materials claiming to be ‘water based’ or ‘washable’, some of the paints and materials used may stain clothing- please do use aprons provided. Little Lambs accepts no liability or responsibility for any belongings including clothes that are stained, damaged or marked.
9. No running – for health and safety reasons running is not permitted during Little Lambs sessions.
10. Materials and ingredients – are always non-toxic but we advise that children refrain from putting any materials in their mouths. We accept no responsibility for items ingested.
11. Allergies – where appropriate there will be signs outlining ingredients used in activities. Please ensure you read the ingredients for each of the activity stations. We cannot be held accountable for any detected or yet to be diagnosed allergic reactions to any of the ingredients we use. Please be aware that materials from one activity station may be found in other stations due to children moving them around.
12. Materials and toys – areto remain in tuff trays and in the set out areas.
13. To avoid accidents – please report any spillages/damage to toys.
14. Confidentiality policy- any information you share with any Little Lambs member of staff is in total confidence, unless it could result in causing harm to yourself or others.
15. Nappies and toilet training – please can all adults ensure that changing of nappies and use of potties are done so in the venue’s toilet facilities. You must take soiled nappies with you as the council does not collect waste from the venues.
16. Payment / refund policy – due to the hire of the venue, cost of the fresh products/materials we use and the limited number of spaces we offer, payment is non-refundable. Please inform us as soon as possible if your child(ren) are unable to attend a session.
17. Cancellation policy – in the event of circumstances beyond Little Lambs control such as staff illness, voting, bad weather and any problems with the venue, we reserve the right to cancel any sessions. Little Lambs will endeavour to offer catch up classes, however if we are unable to re-arrange, refunds will be given.
18. Contagious illness – if you or your child(ren) has a stomach upset / diarrhoea or any contagious illness, for the health and safety of all adults and children at Little Lambs please do not attend the session.
19. Missed class – if for some reason you cannot attend your normal class, you may attend the same class in our different venue as long as it is taken that same week and that there is availability in that class. Missed classes cannot be carried over in to another week.
20. Missed class – If for some reason you cannot attend, you are more than welcome to either sell your place to a friend of family member so that they can attend in your place, or just give it away for free. Just do let us know their name so we can be prepared. It is your responsibility to ensure they read the above terms and conditions.